Saturday, September 19, 2015

dastey_jo, δείτε τις νέες δημοσιεύσεις από instagram, annakendrick47, edroste, pieraluisa, _x_meg_x_...

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instagram Every Sunday, we look back on the week and select some of our favorite images from emerging voices across the globe. For these photos and more news from around the community, visit Congratulations to those who are featured! @jokemichaels @francb07 @ari_fararooy @crojrj @camillaferrariphoto @chartno3 @featherunderground @sgdoesit @haithanhptw Photo by @featherunderground

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annakendrick47 I regret nothing. @bychefchloe

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pieraluisa We made our dream world, now go make yours! 🌟 Closing our #29Rooms experience with some inspiration for the future and a reminder that we are all filled with potential and the possibility to create magic and goodness in the world. 🌍 I feel truly grateful to have been able to build @refinery29 and share it with so many people thanks to loads of incredible partners-in-crime and believers along the way. ❤️ We started very, very small 10 years ago and built slowly with blood, sweat, tears but mostly lots and lots of love and passion. It blows my mind to be at a point where I can make my crazy creative fantasies come true in the way we did this past few days. 🙌 My favorite quote I heard from someone going through the event was "after seeing what you built, I realized it's time for me to start dreaming bigger." I encourage you all to dream so big it scares you. Because, believe me, dreams do come true. Xoxoxo @gazootothemoon

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_x_meg_x_ ヴィンテージマーケットにきた。やっぱり私ん中で50'sがきてる。買ったのまたインスタするー #vintage #fair #market #50's

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tzuio | Neusiedl || #tzuio_burgenland #instabikeBGLD

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charlesommanney Home with my boy for the weekend. Bentley's 13 months old now!!!! #bentleythehounddog #joyofmylife

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maliworkman Shooting your passion is my passion 😄❤️

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instagram "When we were younger, we had very clear-drawn enemies — us versus them," says @u2 lead singer Bono. "And then as we went through the '90s, things started to change for us, and we started to realize the biggest obstacles in the way of our personal development and our band's development were internal forces." So how did U2 manage to stick together? By pushing themselves creatively, working with people they admire and, most importantly, trusting themselves. As guitarist The Edge explains, "I think that the secret of our band is the fact that we met at a very young age and made a commitment to be part of something together, long before we understood what that might become." Photo of @u2 by Anton Corbijn. Words by @music.

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Friday, September 18, 2015

New message from BellaNguyen71377


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"Im want want but the same time im a great person to meet here"

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