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grizzlybear Tbt: to this yellow house promo shot from the spring of 2006. These pictures including the other ones were not in fact taken at the Yellow House (which was in fact a suburban yellow house in Watertown, Ma on Franklin street recently made infamous because they found the Boston bomber a few doors down from it in a boat) but actually on Cape Cod in a grey gardens style home near Veckatimest. The photographer @patryceb did a bunch of promo shots there as well as the whole booklet and cover for the album. When looking through photos from this room there was one photo that stood out that I wonder if she might have somewhere....behind us on the old blind there was a distinct silhouette of a man's profile , a profile much like my own having a rather large nose...given that we had access to the home from a relative we spent the whole day speculating whether it was some ghostly ancestor of mine. The crazy part was , @patryceb was taking photos at a rapid speed and only one had that silhouette showing. I remember being really spooked at the time , as I think everyone else was, but with the years memories start to get foggy and you question everything. Personally speaking having had a very real ghost experience with @jstefano at the Union Square movie theater years before after a class, I definitely did and still do believe it was. 🙃 👻 (raise your hand if you believe is ghosts!) 🙋🏻♂️
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