Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Baby Boomer

I was out and about when I realized there are so many people with gray hair that I no longer feel like a minority. We the Baby Boomers are eveywhere. We are so cool!! We have lived and seen so much.

Remember when:

A disc: was found in your back not in the desk drawer.

That's Bad: was bad as in bad not bad as in good.

Hit the dirt: was something you never wanted to do in golf, now it is something you do to avoid getting hit by stray bullets.

A Hood: belonged on a car not in a car.

Your mama: was a name you liked to hear.

Making a statement: was something you said not an excuse to not take a bath.

Windows: was something you looked out of not something you needed to learn to hold down a job.

Car Jacking: involved lifting up a car with a jack to fix a tire, not you being lifted out of your car with a gun.

Baseball caps: were used to shade your eyes from the sun not to identify what gang you belonged to.

I surrender: meant falling in love not heading to jail.

Drive by: was to pay a visit to a friend not to pay a visit to an enemy.

A rod: was something you fished with not a car or a gun.

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