Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rain in Phoenix

I wonder if it is my fault that Phoenix has not had any rain. When I was a little girl I lived with my Grandmother and I would ride a red trike around the yard.

When a rattle snake would cross the yard I would ride real fast and run over them. It would make the coolest rattling noise, but Grandma would come running out with a hoe and cut their heads off. I did not understand because I got yelled at for riding over them and grandma cut their heads off and that was okay.

She would take the snake and hang it on the fence. She told me to not touch them and it would bring rain. I knew how important rain was to the farmers so I would never touch them.

I am kind of old and to big to ride a trike but maybe I can find a rattlesnake to hang on the fence and we just might get some rain.

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