Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Window Cleaner

There are some great parents out there. We protect our kids from stranger danger, the mad dog next door, catching someone elses cold. But last night I heard the best one yet. A mother has a wonderful child that cleans her windows for her, boy my kids just broke our windows. One day while reading the label she discovered that maybe the ingredients would harm her child. So being the good mother she is she went right out and found an all natural cleaner which only cost her $8.00 for a little tiny bottle that would probably last one cleaning. Nothing mattered but that her child be safe cleaning windows. Good for her, I myself use three tablespoons of isopropyl alcohol to a pint of water that cleans windows great and costs me a couple of dollars a year. But then I am probably not the greatest mother in the world. Oh Well.

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