Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Words of the Mother

I have four sons. One of them would say Words' of the Mother whenever I got into my mother mode and tried to give them advice. I gave them the old wear clean underware incase you spend the night with one of your friends and your friend tells their mother that your mother does not do the laundry. Or however that saying went.

I tried my best. If you are a mother you know what I am talking about. We clean and cook and help with homework. My sons did not like to read so I read novels so I could tell them what the book was about so they could do their book reports. I think that is going beyond the call of motherhood.

I changed bike tires and showed them how to change the oil in the car. I sat up one night when they had a spare key made for my car and took the car out in the middle of the night. I sat up till three am to yell at them.

I spent three hours sitting in an eighth grade class because my son had a hard time keeping quiet. That was one of my most fun days. He did not seem to enjoy it as much as I did.

I don't know about you but I think I an an alright mother. What about you? I bet you are a great mother too.

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